The Overachievers by Alexandra Robbins

July 5, 2007 at 8:42 pm 3 comments

I just finished reading this book a few days ago, and I must say it has only confirmed my fears about what “top” public schools have become in the wake of No Child Left Behind, SAT-mania, US News rankings, and all that go with these cultural developments. Robbins follows a handful of student overachievers through a year and alternates between their personal stories and her own investigative research on the “bigger issues” of overachiever culture.

The kids are doing way too much, and they are mostly (some extremely) miserable, never feeling good enough even with crazy high GPAs, yadda yadda. She admits she’s one of them, a Yale grad and NYT best-selling author in her 20’s. But she is recovering, as she nicely explains in a Forbes essay from this March. Here’s a quote that captures her book’s thesis:

“We live in an achievement-oriented, workaholic culture that can no longer distinguish between striving for excellence and demanding perfection. It is time to stop prioritizing how children look on paper over their health, happiness, and well-being. By now the message should be clear: Ease up, calm down, and back off. If students are free to follow paths toward their personal joys and interests, then it is worth trusting that everything will be all right in the end.” (p. 400)

I highly recommend this book, if nothing else for a conversation starter in your own family on the meaning of achievement. As a parent, it reminds me of what I don’t want for my daughter. It reminds me of my own grade obsession, which started in first grade when I got my (literally) first wrong answer. (It was a worksheet with drawings and we had to fill in the blanks to make words. The picture was a 3-D square with a jagged top and it said “B” with two blanks. I wrote “A-G” in the blanks, but the answer was “O-X.” I was horrified and indignant. And, yes, I remember the worksheet. Overachieverism starts very early.)

I’m considering alternatives to public school for my daughter, which I never thought I’d say. I don’t want her to be over-tested by first grade, as NCLB requires (and my husband sees first-hand as a public school teacher). I don’t want her surrounded by kids with cell phones whose parents drive big SUVs and take big vacations and wear big designer clothes.

I know I can’t avoid it all, but I can at least try to find educational settings where there is an awareness of these issues and a true desire to lessen their impact. What I can do: not overschedule her (I’m already boycotting all the baby classes!), not give into the consumer crazies, be aware, not push her to “achieve,” but rather show a love of learning for its own sake in our home. Still, it takes a village and all that.

We are considering Waldorf education, a philosophy we really like but we need to see it in action. We’re also looking at California charter schools, many of which allow for full or partial homeschooling and other alternative learning methods (and are free and public!). My brother and his wife homeschool in Maryland, and are loving it.

I’m still unsure for us. I’d love to hear others’ thoughts or experiences about school settings that allow for joyful and holistic learning, and don’t push children too fast, too soon, too competitively. And, also, I’d love to hear anyone’s thoughts on The Overachievers by Alexandra Robbins!

Entry filed under: Books, Education, Parenting.

Welcome to Having Enough! Midlife Women on “Having it All”

3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. The Art of Learning, The Heart of Success «  |  October 3, 2007 at 9:38 pm

    […] admit to being an entity learner (witness my first-grade failure story and discussion of overachievers); and my husband, too, finds himself in the description. (He […]

  • 2. Tammy  |  November 13, 2007 at 7:19 pm

    Looks like I found a blogging soul sister. 🙂

    My blog is, and we’re homeschoolers. We considered Waldorf, Montessori, charters, private schools, and finally went with independent homeschooling.

    Oh, and I’m also a writer. Anyway, I saw a link to your blog through WriterMama and thought it was pretty darn cool that we have such similar names and themes.

  • 3. Anonymous  |  July 29, 2008 at 3:05 pm

    I hear you. My son is entering his senior year and I read Alexandra Robbins’ book last year to get a sense of what he would be up against. It’s all true. Most of my son’s friends have taken 10 or more AP courses and tests, play classical instruments at a very high level (soloing with regional orchestras), have GPA’s over 4, are president and captain of whatever, and never sleep. It’s brutal what our culture has done and is doing to the children.

    We considered Waldorf at first also, but I ended up homeschooling my son, from nursery school all the way through–he will be a senior in high school this fall.

    A huge advantage to homeschooling is that your child will probably get enough sleep, a lunch hour, and time to play outside in the sun. Going to school seems to preclude all of the above.

    Good luck with everything!!!


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Megan Pincus Kajitani: Writer, Editor, Former Academic Overachiever and Career Counselor, Mom, Wife, Feminist, Gen Xer, Californian who believes that change is possible View Megan Pincus Kajitani's profile on LinkedIn

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